Ward Beds
Pediatric Bed
Hospital Pediatric Bed stands as a specialized haven, tailored to provide a secure and comforting environment for children in medical care. This bed is meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs of pediatric patients, ensuring both their safety and well-being during their hospital stay.
Attendant Bed Deluxe
Equipped with intuitive controls, attendants can easily adjust the bed’s configurations to meet the needs of patients. The user-friendly interface enhances efficiency in patient care, allowing attendants to provide personalized attention.
Attendant Bed General
The Hospital Attendant Bed – General is versatile enough to cater to a range of patient care needs. It accommodates standard accessories such as bedside tables and IV stands, enhancing its overall functionality.
Ward Bed with Back-Rest on Ratchet Deluxe
The defining feature of this deluxe ward bed is the incorporation of a sophisticated ratchet mechanism. This allows healthcare providers to precisely adjust the backrest to varying angles, providing unparalleled control over patient positioning for maximum comfort.
Ward Bed Plain General
The Hospital Ward Bed Plain General is characterized by a straightforward and practical design, emphasizing simplicity. This ensures ease of use for healthcare providers and straightforward accommodation for patients in a variety of medical conditions.